Friday, April 1, 2011

Salt Lake City, Utah

We were in Salt Lake City Utah in March 2011. It was a work day and at 3 pm in the afternoon.. However, notice there is NO ONE on the streets. This is the financial core and there was virtually no retail or residential to be found.

Salt Lake City does have an array of interesting features: art, an historic clock shown above, wide sidewalks, decorative tiles in the sidewalks, historic plaques, signage, lighting. Of course, everything is beautifully clean and notice the planters are encased in granite.

Click on the Salt Lake link to see more pictures.

Baker City, OR

Baker City in March of 2011. Baker City has over 100 buildings on the National Register, and as the Oregon Main Street 2010 Summary states,"reflecting the opulence of the gold rush days and the rich heritage of the cattle and timber industries of the American West." They have restored over 80 buildings with their Destination Downtown 50/50 matching grant program. Baker City has the Geyser Grand Historic Hotel as a central focus. The exterior is impressive as is the interior. Dramatic dining areas with incredibly high box beam ceilings.

The pictures in the city were taken at 7 am in the morning, so don't show much activity in the area.

Notice the extremely wide streets: built for turning wagons and carriages with horses. (You can just see them on those wide streets!)

They have added all of the pedestrian amenities: benches, street lights, decorative signage, street trees.

If you go to visit Baker City, be sure to check out the museums and if it is ski season, ski the Anthony Lakes Ski Resort!

Boise, Idaho 2011

Downtown Boise also has its assets: a university community just blocks away, the seat of the state government on the opposite side. Although this stop in Boise was when there was 30 degree weather, there still is a lot of activity: notice all of the bikes out in the bike racks.

The main retail core has a strong supply of historic buildings to house the active retail. One main street is closed down to one lane of travel with restaurants flanking the street. All of the restaurants have outdoor seating, making a festive atmosphere.

New photos from Park City, Utah

Check out some great photos from Park City, Utah!